Congratulations! You’re ready to take the path to better health. Whether you’re looking for nutritional health supplements to boost your immune system, help improve your health when you are diseased, slow the effects of aging, or solve a particular health concern, we can help!

Nature-Owned offers an array of top quality nutritional supplements, antioxidants and vitamins, and even natural skin care products to fulfill all your needs. We’ve carefully selected and formulated our health supplements for optimum absorption and potency. We’re confident these powerful vitamins and nutrients will help contribute to your overall better health and longevity.


We all grow older and lose our youthful vigor and vitality. But highly active people who take their nutrition, exercise, and supplementation seriously suffer the ravages of age much less severely (and swiftly) than those who don’t. Fitness-conscious people looking to maximize their prime of life have available to them a great variety of nutrients and compounds essential to facilitating and improving digestion, muscle growth, cardiovascular health, sex drive, and overall well-being. Indeed, the number of restorative herbs, extracts, and compounds seems to grow each day, as modern science unveils the anti-aging properties of supplements from acai and coral calcium to resveratrol and omega fatty acids.

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Amino Acids

The chemical building blocks of proteins are essential to the human body and all its processes. There are twenty-one in all and most are termed non-essential because they are produced by the body itself. Bodybuilders, however, deplete bloodstream levels of certain “non-essential” aminos (glutamine, for instance) swiftly, requiring supplemental intake. Other amino acids (the BCAAs valine, leucine, and isoleucine) can only be acquired through dietary intake, and are thus termed essential. Different aminos are linked to different processes, some of which are of special interest to bodybuilders. Arginine has been linked to vasodilation and nutrient delivery; tyrosine to focus and intensity; glutamine to muscle recovery after exercise. To achieve your bodybuilding goals, you need to know your aminos.

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Colon Cleansers

Colon cleansing can help improve your body’s overall health and wellness, make the digestive system more effective, maintains regularity and prevents constipation, increase energy, increase the body's absorption of vitamins and nutrients, improves concentration, kick-start weight loss, maintain PH balance in the bloodstream, increases fertility, and may even reduce your risks for colon cancer.

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Essential Fatty Acids

When it comes to fat, there’s one type you don’t want to cut back on: omega-3 fatty acids. Two crucial ones -- EPA and DHA -- are primarily found in certain fish. ALA, another omega-3 fatty acid, is found in plant sources such as nuts and seeds. Not only does your body need these fatty acids to function, but also they deliver some big health benefits.

Because essential fatty acids (ALA, DHA, EPA) are not made in the body, you need to get them from your diet.

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Herbal Formulations

Common herbs and spices may help protect against certain chronic conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Herbs, including basil and parsley, are from plants and plant parts. Spices often come from the seeds, berries, bark, or roots of plants.

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Joint Support

Take anti-inflammatories for short-term relief and choose glucosamine for long-term repair.

Glucosamine sulfate is the ideal supplement for joints. It gets to the root of the problem and can help support and repair joints.

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Just For Men

It is an advanced range of men's supplements, designed for the nutritional intake and lifestyle needs of men. Vitamins for men are based on extensive international research and provide comprehensive multivitamin formulations to help support men's health.

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Just For Women

Women of every age, height, weight, and activity level have at least one thing in common: We need certain nutrients that our bodies don't make, but require to function properly.

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Different minerals have different benefits, so no mineral can be termed as more beneficial or less beneficial than another. All minerals, even trace ones, are critical for the proper functioning of the body. Most of the minerals aid in body metabolism, water balance, and bone health, but they can participate in hundreds of other small ways to effectively boost health as well.

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Multi-Vitamin Minerals

Your body requires essential minerals and vitamins for every process and function. These nutrients work in symphony to grow, heal, repair and maintain your body's cells, organs, systems and skeleton. Vitamins and minerals are needed in varying amounts and some form key parts of structures such as red blood cells and bones. Deficiencies of minerals and vitamins can lead to fatigue, illness and disease. A balanced daily diet generally provides the essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy; a doctor can determine if you require vitamin or mineral supplements to enhance your regular nutrition.

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Protein Powder

If you exercise regularly, you may need a little more protein, from any source, than people who aren't as active. Soy protein is another option. It's a plant-based protein. It's as effective as most animal sources of protein. Soy is also rich in nutrients.

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Special Formulations

Many of us are looking for that formulation to target a specific area of the body with extra supplement. Nature-Owed provides a variety of complete formulas in different specific area or dosage forms, making it easy to optimize your nutrition.

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Sports Nutrition

Nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, supplements and organic substances such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. for strength sports (such as weight lifting and bodybuilding) and endurance sports (for example cycling, running, swimming). Athletes who want a winning edge need the right nutrition. When you drink enough water and eat a balanced diet, your body can make energy efficiently and fuel top performance.

You can make the most of your athletic talents and gain more strength, power, and endurance when you train. Base your diet on a variety of factors, including your age, size, physical condition, and the type of exercise you are doing. See your doctor for individualized nutrition advice.

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Vitamins are a group of substances that are essential for normal cell function, growth, and development. There are 13 essential vitamins, meaning they are needed for the body to function. They are A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, and Biotin .Vitamins are grouped into two categories: 4 fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K which are stored in the body's fatty tissue. and 9 water-soluble vitamins. The body must use water-soluble vitamins right away. Any leftover water-soluble vitamins leave the body through the urine. Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the liver for many years. Each of the vitamins has an important job in the body. A vitamin deficiency occurs when you do not eat enough fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains and fortified dairy foods. Vitamin deficiency can cause health problems including heart disease, cancer, and poor bone health. Dietary supplements are another way to get the vitamins you need if the food you eat is not supplying enough vitamins. Supplements can be helpful during pregnancy and for special medical problems.

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Weight Loss

Weight loss supplements promote healthy weight management. When paired with a healthy diet and exercise, weight loss supplements can:

  • Optimize desirable body composition
  • Promote fat and sugar metabolism
  • Support a normal appetite when paired with fiber

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